Origins of canola.

Where does canola oil come from?

Canola oil comes from the seeds of the canola plant. Canola is a crop that is grown widely in Canada, Europe and Australia as well as in several areas in the United States. Canola plants produce beautiful small yellow flowers which develop into pods, resembling pea pods. Each pod contains tiny seeds made of about 45% oil. After harvesting, the seeds are crushed to release the oil.

Is canola the same as rapeseed?

No, canola must meet a specific international definition based on the maximum amount of glucosinolates and erucic acid. In some countries, “canola-quality” rapeseed is grown, meaning that it meets the definition of canola.

Was canola developed through genetic engineering?

Canola was developed from rapeseed using traditional plant breeding during the 1960s and 70s, long before biotechnology was available. The new plant, which is lower in two unwanted components of rapeseed, was given the name “canola” with an internationally regulated definition.

Traditional breeding was also used to develop high oleic canola oil to be used by the food industry instead of sources of artificial trans fat. Plant breeders are constantly making improvements to help farmers deal with challenges such as drought, pests and crop diseases. Today, many different varieties of canola are available including genetically modified (GM) and non-GM canola.

Learn more about the history of canola

Is canola genetically modified now?

Plant breeders are constantly making improvements to help farmers deal with challenges such as drought, pests and crop diseases. Today, many different varieties of canola are available including genetically modified (GM) and non-GM canola.

Most farmers choose to grow canola that has been genetically modified to be herbicide resistant. This has allowed them to use smaller amounts of herbicides to control weeds that would damage their crop and avoid ploughing or tilling the soil.

Growing canola.

What growing stages does the canola plant go through?

Seedlings emerge four to 10 days after planting. From a taproot, bottom leaves form a rosette, which send up a flower stalk as the plant grows. The flowering stage lasts 14 to 21 days, and prairie fields at this time are a sea of brilliant yellow flowers. Bees, visiting the flowers for nectar, help pollinate the flowers. Once the flowers are fertilized, pods take 35 to 45 days to fill with seeds. A combine machine is used to separate and harvest the canola seeds once the plant is mature.

What challenges does canola present to farmers?

One of the greatest challenges in growing canola is competition from weeds. Farmers used to rely on tilling the soil to remove weeds from their fields. It dried out the soil leading to erosion and reduced fertility. With herbicide-tolerant canola, farmers can forgo tillage and use smaller amounts of herbicide to control weeds, keeping the soil moist and fertile.

What is no-till farming?

No-till farming means that the soil is left undisturbed instead of being turned over or tilled. Plant material remaining from the previous crop is left in the ground and the new crop is planted on top.

Do seed treatments harm bees and other beneficial insects?

Seed treatments are coatings applied to canola seeds before they are purchased by the farmer. The coating is brightly colored to distinguish treated seeds from untreated seeds. The seed coating helps protect the seedling from specific diseases and pests. They are not released in the air and do not harm beneficial insects, such as bees.

Canola oil processing.

Is canola oil heated during processing?

Canola oil can be produced by simply crushing the seeds to extract the oil. Depending on the temperature conditions used, this is referred to as “expeller-press” or “cold-press” and removes about 80% of the oil from the canola seeds. Raising the temperature slightly allows more of the oil to be released from the seed.

Is bleach used during canola oil processing?

The term “bleaching” is used to describe the process of removing the color pigments to produce a clear oil, but this is done by using a filter using natural food-grade clay called diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is also used in other food processing, such as wine making, to remove unwanted particles.

Why is hexane used to make canola oil?

Oil doesn’t dissolve in water so hexane, a solvent approved for oil extraction, can be used to remove more of the oil from the crushed canola seeds. The solvent extraction is done under carefully controlled conditions in a closed system and is recycled and reused. It doesn’t remain in the canola oil or the meal that is left when the oil is removed.

Learn more about how canola oil is made

Canola oil health and nutrition.

Have there been any studies on canola oil in humans?

Canola oil has undergone rigorous testing in humans. Clinical trials to examine canola oil and its effects on the body have been conducted by many different investigators, involving thousands of human volunteers over the decades and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Canola oil is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for human consumption, including use in infant formula.

For a comprehensive list of peer-reviewed nutrition research on canola oil, please visit the Canola Council of Canada’s research directory.

What are the health benefits of canola oil?

Canola oil is considered a heart-healthy oil and is eligible to carry a qualified health claim from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its ability to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease when used in place of saturated fat in the diet.*

Health authorities including the Dietary Guidelines for Americans1 and the American Heart Association2 recommend replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat.

*Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 1½ tablespoons (19 grams) of canola oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to the unsaturated fat content in canola oil. To achieve this possible benefit, canola oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day

1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 9th Edition. December 2020. Available at

2. Sacks FM, Lichtenstein AH, Wu JHY, et al. Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease. A Presidential Advisory from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2017.136;e1-e23. Available at

What is the effect of canola oil on inflammation?

There is a lot of mis and disinformation about seed oils causing inflammation because of their omega-6 (linoleic acid) content. Canola oil has a unique fatty acid composition and has been shown to have a neutral effect on inflammatory markers.3

3. Petersen KS, Maki KC, Calder PC, et al. Perspective on the health effects of unsaturated fatty acids and commonly consumed plant oils high in unsaturated fat. British Journal of Nutrition. 2024;132(8):1039-1050.

Are there any vitamins found in canola oil?

Canola oil contains vitamin E, an antioxidant, and vitamin K, which is needed for normal blood clotting. One tablespoon (14 grams) of canola oil contains 2.45 mg vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) and 9.98 micrograms of vitamin K (phylloquinone). Fats and oils like canola oil also aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

What is the difference between linoleic and alpha-linolenic fatty acids?

Linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids are both polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are considered essential for humans and must be consumed in the diet because our bodies cannot make them.  A polyunsaturated fatty acid contains two or more carbon to carbon double bonds. Canola oil contains both linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid.

Cooking with canola oil.

Can canola oil be used for baking?

Yes, canola oil is a great choice to use in place of solid fats in baking recipes because it has a neutral flavor that isn’t overpowering, blends easily, reduces the amount of saturated fat and gives baked goods a moist, soft texture.

What is the benefit of using canola oil for salad dressings and marinades?

Canola oil’s neutral taste lets the flavors of spices and herbs shine through. Also, canola oil doesn’t solidify when stored in the fridge.

How long can canola oil be stored at room temperature?

All oils eventually change flavor when exposed to light, heat and air. Fully refined canola oil can be stored for up to one year if kept in a tightly covered container in a cool, dark place.

What is the smoke point of canola oil?

Canola oil has a high smoke point of 468°F (243°C), making it ideal for high temperature cooking such as stir-frying, grilling and deep-frying.